Your business deserves better data. Resplendent data, one might say.

Drowning in data?
Depending on the tools you use to run various parts of your business, you’re probably either overwhelmed by massive amounts of (mostly useless) data or you have too little data to work with in the first place.
That’s where we come in.
Our platform imports data from virtually any external source, normalizes and combines it, and turns it into actionable visualizations.
We're transforming business intelligence:
- 60-second data refresh rates
- Connect virtually any software or database
- Combine & measure data across multiple sources
- Custom dashboards with visual builder
- Auto-updating shared dashboards
Get started free
Create a free account
Every account starts free so you can experience the magic firsthand. You can keep the free plan or we'll help you choose the best fit.
Connect data sources
Use a pre-built integration or connect to an API or custom database built using database structures like PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server.
Build a dashboard
Put data work with dashboards that measure exactly what you need and how you need it. Invite your team for instant, actionable insights.
Never look back
Once you've experienced intelligent business intelligence at your fingertips, you'll wish we had launched a long time ago. Don't worry, so do we.
Never wonder if your metrics are on track again.
Fully visual data presentation with at-a-glance indicators show you when something is in good shape... and when it's not.
Custom widgets
Choose the most helpful format to represent your data.
At-a-glance indicators
Know immediately if something needs addressing.
Real-time refresh
Make decisions based on what's happening right now.
How it works...
Resplendent Data transforms raw data from the tools and apps you're already using into actionable, visual dashboards in a few short steps.
These are your apps and databases that contain data waiting to be visualized.
Each dataset represents one category of data, such as clients, tasks, tickets, or invoices.
Time Entries
Joined Datasets
Joined datasets are created by combining data from two standard datasets.
All Data Combined
Modified Datasets
Modified datasets clean or modify data before visualization, such as replacing text or performing calculations.
Filter internal tickets
Remove duplicate tickets
Standardize ticket types
Widgets turn the data from any dataset into a visual representation.
A basic example of data flowing directly from the source to dashboard widgets.
These are your apps and databases that contain data waiting to be visualized.
Each dataset represents one category of data, such as clients, tasks, tickets, or invoices.
Widgets turn the data from any dataset into a visual representation.
A robust example of preparing data for even more helpful insights and visualization.
These are your apps and databases that contain data waiting to be visualized.
Each dataset represents one category of data, such as clients, tasks, tickets, or invoices.
Time Entries
Joined Datasets
Joined datasets are created by combining data from two standard datasets.
All Data Combined
Modified Datasets
Modified datasets clean or modify data before visualization, such as replacing text or performing calculations.
Filter internal tickets
Remove duplicate tickets
Standardize ticket types
Widgets turn the data from any dataset into a visual representation.
Testimonial Quotes
On Speed and Efficiency:
“It’s really intelligently laid out in that also the speed of the updates that it does versus BrightGauge is a lot faster. It’s like every minute versus some of them was every 50 minutes. Some of them required even an hour or two. It was crazy, but in general it was okay, but this is even better.”
On Display and Customization:
“The display itself is a lot nicer. You get a lot more color, a lot more filtering. Customization is a lot easier. Also, the biggest selling point for us out of all of this was you don’t have to know SQL to write custom gauges. That is huge because now what we see in this is the resell opportunity to clients saying, ‘Hey, you guys have stuff on-prem that you want to have data visualized, and this makes it a lot easier to do that.’”
On Overall Experience:
“It’s really easy to work with. It’s really fast and it’s really customizable, so it really checks off a lot. And it’s affordable.”
On Cost-Effectiveness and Flexibility:
“I like that they don’t charge for integrations for everything. BrightGauge’s billing model is like, ‘You want to integrate that. Okay, cool. Well, we’re going to charge you for that.’ […] and the filters are a lot easier to manage, so you can apply filters across all your dashboards or to individual widgets and stuff. That’s really good. The ease of integration for on-prem stuff is really good and it’s unlimited.”
On Customization and Visualization:
“So if I have six techs all looking at the same gauge and it’s all one color, it kind of just blurs together. But if I’m able to branch it out by date, age, and color, and have different meanings behind those colors and stuff, it’s a big impact.”
On Data-Driven Decision Making:
“This is absolutely something we use to make business-driven decisions. […] I can say, ‘Hey, we’re slammed right here, but it looks like we’re starting to make some headway again here. So that’s okay, we got caught up. That’s good.'”
On Operational Efficiency:
“Our dispatcher uses it very heavily when she’s doing reviews, she can pull up real quickly a whole dashboard where she can just come in and change a few things to get the different companies’ information.”
On Responsive Support and Development:
“I’ve been really happy with the support. I hope the support continues to stay that excellent. I know growing a business, that’s always a big thing.”
On Usability and Learning Curve:
“There is a little bit of a learning curve to it, but I would say I was able to overcome this a lot quicker, and coming from Bright Gauge, I kind of knew what I was looking for.”
Questions? Let's hear 'em.
The world of data is huge. We'd be surprised if you didn't have questions. Here are a few questions we get asked often.
Don't see your question? Drop us a line. We're here to help.
Can I really connect ANY data source?
Basically, yes. So far, we’ve only hit a couple exceptions where we couldn’t integrate. Between you and us, those were also because 1995 called and wanted their “API” back…
Do you do custom integrations?
Absolutely. Send us a message here or submit an integration request. Or both. We’re here for it.
I don't see my integration. What now?
Depending on what you’re wanting to integrate, you can submit an integration request or we can explore a custom integration.
Can I use my own data with a free account?
Of course! You have full access to all the features of the Free Forever plan. Happy insights!
What's with the narwhal?
Awesome, isn’t he? We wanted something that represented the elusive, magical nature of having truly actionable data insights.
Still curious? Read the full story here. It’s a little embarrassing, but worth it.
Ready to see it (and believe it)?
P.S. You can do both and we'll use your own data for the demo.